West Bank A graphic novel About a Residence in House of Gourna in Luxor at West Bank an invitation from the French artist Golo A unique experience and an artist who opened the door to a magnificent and magical world . A strange world a village in the city of Luxor on the west bank(Gourna)a simple village with a great history . You feel that for the first time you have given up of bustling city life and a fake community a simple life you feel that you are in another world far from the present time by many years you feel that time has stopped in this village for years and years. But with that there is something that attracts you to this village and this world you want to come back again and again there . A new experience with French comics artist (Golo)and a photographer (Didier)a world and a different life from my usual life .at Gourna you can draw everyday every second stories , details and people that inspire you and open the door to creativity It is a story about people I met there places about history of Gournah