This guide is intended for persons with visual impairments and their parents or their caretakers (teacher/trainer/…), where this book will provide an insight into disability and What is the visual impairment, some information about it and the diseases that cause it, the impact of disability on Visually impaired persons, and some of their tools, means and programs To help them and enable them to catch up with the continuous scientific and technological progress Day after day. It must be mentioned the importance of using the robot as an educational tool in general, as well For the blind, then comes a presentation of a unique experience, which is the creation of the (BASAER team) the first robotic team for people with Visual disability and this gives us the motivation to continue in this path because it is proof that visual impaired people are able to keep up with life. Then we introduce a LEGO EV3 parts manual, followed by instructions How to build a simple robot. And finally, the programming method for this robot is the programming language (ROBOTC).