The Arab-Israeli conflict and the Palestinian cause lie at the heart of the pivotal conflicts that have swept the Arab and Muslim worlds for more than a century. And no matter how different patterns of other conflicts escalate or emerge - in light of regional and global changes - and no matter how many attempts are made to disguise this Arab-Israeli conflict from its priority and primacy, and even to liquidate the Palestinian cause, under the fog of peace settlements and the recent waves of normalization and Zionization... this conflict remains - ideological and national And civilized and existential - the main conflict that falls apart - and affects - other conflicts, whether they are created or exploded, with Israel's continuous and accumulating attempts to impose its "peace" and to dominate the region, systems and peoples. As we are in the midst of another rising wave of Israeli aggression against the mosque and its worshipers, this book is a contribution to renewing the memory of Al-Quds and Al-Aqsa.
Nov 16, 2022